Meeting the beautiful Pip and her amazing mom Tara

Tara and Pip have caused a revolution all on their own by profiling the amazingness that comes with expanding our idea of beauty.

I had the great experience of talking to Pip and her mom Tara last week. They have caused a revolution all on their own by profiling the amazingness that comes with expanding our idea of beauty. Pip is playful. Pip is pretty. Pip has pep! Pip has good interpersonal skills. Pip has Down Syndrome. For some reason kids with special needs are rarely described as gorgeous. Since we know it’s not them, it’s definitely us who have the problem. Don’t miss my interview with this family on Wednesday, July 2. And watch this video blog to see how good-feeds-good. Tara’s blog is now all about helping other children with cancer and generally making people feel amazing.

For Tracy’s full interview with Pip and Tara, click here.