Superfoods for weight loss!

Superfoods are nutritional powerhouses that pack a mineral, vitamin and antioxidant punch. In other words – these foods can help boost energy and play a vital role in disease prevention.

Superfoods are nutritional powerhouses that pack a mineral, vitamin and antioxidant punch. In other words – these foods can help boost energy and play a vital role in disease prevention. To top it off, specific superfoods can also help to boost metabolism and burn fat, making them ideal choices to include in your daily diet.

This year on the Cityline Weight Loss Challenge – the theme is bringing healthy back! So in addition to helping you fit into your favorite jeans – my goal is to also to help you feel better than ever at any age, any stage. I am on “Operation: Let’s take it up a notch!”

To help out on that journey, the superfoods for weight loss are:

Berries: Filled with fiber, naturally sweet and low in calories – an assortment of berries per day are heart-healthy and great for digestion. Whether it is raspberries, blueberries or strawberries (and a frozen berry blend is perfect for a morning smoothie) – these nutritional superstars will also give you a nice boost of vitamin C. Having evening cravings that will just not quit? Try popping frozen raspberries into your mouth as a sweet candy from nature. Note: Of all the berries, blueberries do contain the highest anti-oxidant capacity.

Eggs: Eggs are one of the best foods on the planet. One egg contains 77 calories, 6 grams of protein and 5 grams of good fat. Eggs also contain choline (often grouped with the B vitamins) that help to repair and build cellular membranes. In terms of weight loss, eggs score high on the Satiety Index (i.e. they keep you full and reduce subsequent caloric intake). In one study, replacing a bagel breakfast with an egg breakfast caused individuals to lose a significant amount of weight over an 8-week period.

Salmon: Salmon is an excellent source of lean protein that is also rich in omega 3 essential fatty acids – the “good fat” that can help with weight loss. A 3-ounce serving of wild Alaskan salmon has approximately 155 calories, 22 grams of protein and 7 grams of fat – that is approximately half the calories and fat when compared to a cheeseburger.

Green tea: In addition to being a powerful energy and immune system booster, green tea also contains a chemical called EGCG that helps to boost your metabolism and burn fat. You can either drink 1-2 cups of green tea per day on the Cityline Weight Loss Challenge or, add green tea powder to a morning smoothie.

Walnuts: Walnuts pack a nutritional omega 3 punch. Omega 3 essential fatty acids are fats that cannot be made by the body – they must be derived from food. Omega 3s can be effective in balancing blood sugar and offer cardiovascular protective benefits. When it comes to weight loss, walnuts top the charts. Research has shown people who ate nuts at least 2-3x per week were 31 percent less likely to gain weight than those who did not. Remember – do not be scared of the “good fat” for weight loss – it helps. Toss 6-8 walnuts onto your salad, include as a snack or put in a morning smoothie.

Apples: Yes, it is true – an apple a day really does keep the doctor away! In fact, one study showed that people who consumed an apple prior to having a pasta dinner ate fewer calories vs. those who ate another type of snack. Apples are loaded with fiber called pectin (which can aid in blood sugar control), are low in calories and contain important anti-oxidants that can help prevent cellular damage. Baked or raw, with a titch of coconut sugar or sprinkled with cinnamon – enjoy!

Cinnamon: Cinnamon is a tasty spice that can help with blood sugar control, resulting in better weight management. Sprinkle cinnamon in your morning yogurt, add to baking and drink cinnamon tea to get all the benefits!

Don’t forget to check out our first 7-day meal plan to help you on your weight loss journey. Click here to check out the entire start up package!
