Social haters

Today on Cityline, I spoke with Yummy Mummy Club founder Erica Ehm and lifestyle expert Leigh-Ann Allaire Perrault about the ugly tone of social media these days.

Today on Cityline, I spoke with Yummy Mummy Club founder Erica Ehm and lifestyle expert Leigh-Ann Allaire Perrault about the ugly tone of social media these days.

To make the point, Yummy Mummy Club’s Sharon Devellis has posted a funny Jimmy Kimmel sketch called “Celebrities Read Mean Tweets”.

It’s kinda funny.

Making fun of mothers who have miscarried, sick children and suicide subjects is NOT.

Watch the Kimmel video by clicking here and then weigh-in on what you think of the mean tone of Twitter and Facebook.

Is it justified?

How do we change this?