Sanity-saving tips for March Break

Vacation? Staycation? Working from home because you didn’t register for March Break camp? Whether you are going away or staying at home – here are some sanity-saving tips for March Break.

Vacation? Staycation? Working from home because you didn’t register for March Break camp? Whether you are going away or staying at home – here are some sanity saving tips for March Break.

Have a general plan.

  1. Vacation: The plan is where you are going/who you will see. Easy enough, right? But it’s not a bad idea to plan for the roadblocks that sometimes challenge getting to where you are going. Pack snacks. Take water. Take along some boredom-busting activities in case your flight is delayed or the car trip hits some gridlock.
  2. Staycation: Plan what you will visit. Don’t be afraid to be a visitor in your own city and hit the family-friendly destinations (science centres, museums, trails and parks). If you pick 3 or 4 must-see things you can plan your week around them.
  3. Working from home: Plan for work time and kid fun time. This might mean hiring a sitter for your work time. Or asking your boss if flex time is a possibility (kid fun time in the day and then work after the kids go to bed). Always ensure younger children have appropriate supervision (Read: Don’t expect a 4-year-old to sit quietly for 2 hours while you take a conference call).

Help during March Break is possible.

  1. Vacation: Help is just a credit card payment away. Rather than packing everything you need – help yourself by picking up essential (and bulky) items at your destination. Diapers and wipes are easy to find in big box stores across North America. Rent kid gear by the day or the week from specialized rental companies across the country (cribs, strollers, highchairs, wagons – great for visiting Grandma & Grandpa).
  2. Staycation: Sometimes the best help for a staycation is to partner with other families. Investigate group rates at popular destinations (groups can be 10 people or more).
  3. Working from home: Get help for childcare. Swap child minding with friends, family, or neighbours (you take care of your kids and theirs in the morning and they watch their kids and yours for the afternoon).  Teenage babysitters are also super eager to earn some quick cash by watching your kids during March Break.

Universal activities:

Whether on vacation, staycation, or working from home, there are some universal activities which might keep the kids busy during March Break.

  1. Scavenger hunt
  2. Board games
  3. Make a movie
  4. Read a book

Caroline Fernandez shares family-friendly activities and tips on her site Parent Club (Twitter: @ParentClub). Her books Boredom Busters (Cico Books, 2014) and More Boredom Busters (Cico Books, 2015) are now available in stores.